Paseo de la Reforma 265
Mexico City, 06500
Tel: +52 55 5533 0040
Fax: +52 55 5525 1227


Goodrich’s finance and securities experts help clients structure their businesses in the most efficient way, by focusing on minimizing regulatory obstacles while at the same time complying with regulations.


Our group is committed to meeting the highest quality standards when offering comprehensive and informed support counseling for asset financing and leasing transactions, public finance, banking regulatory work, securitization, risk identification, secure and unsecured commercial credit transactions.

Capital Markets

Goodrich’s capital markets experts help clients for advice on securities offerings of all kinds around the world, offering substantial experience in the most complex securities transactions that require highly creative and sophisticated advice.

We provide clear insight into regulatory considerations in offerings of all types; this has frequently enabled us to obtain regulatory relief for our clients.


Our expertise in insurance and re-insurance matters entails providing our clients with assistance on corporate transactions, acquisitions, corporate reorganizations and restructurings in order to assure that their insurance rights are protected or transferred as contemplated by dealmakers, including acting as debtor’s insurance in bankruptcies.


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