Paseo de la Reforma 265
Mexico City, 06500
Tel: +52 55 5533 0040
Fax: +52 55 5525 1227


Francisco García joined the Firm in 2001. He has more than two-decade experience specializing in patent prosecution in the biotechnological, chemical, and pharmaceutical sciences. He specializes in elaborating in-depth analysis of technical data/information to ensure that inventors, applicants and attorneys obtain irrefutable intellectual property rights. Francisco also develops freedom to operate analysis, patent landscape, patent clearance documents, as well as patent infringement opinions. He is one of the few experts in Mexico capable of obtaining breeders titles, which are based on international conventions or in national first filing cases.


  • Engineer, Instituto Politécnico Nacional, Unidad Profesional Interdisciplinaria de Biotecnología, México City (2001).


Spanish and English.


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